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Financial Transparency

The Transparency Florida Act was signed into law in 2009 and required the Florida Governor's office to create a website that would provide information about every appropriation found in the General Appropriation Act. The goal of the legislation is to hold the government accountable for how tax dollars are spent by providing public access to state budgets, payments, and contracts.

Under the Transparency Florida Act, each branch of state government and state agency is required to disclose data on the website including:

  • Expenditures
  • Appropriations adjustments
  • Status of spending authority for each appropriation position
  • Rate information for state employees

The Transparency Florida website is overseen by the Joint Legislative Auditing Committee. In 2010, the committee proposed that additional information be made available, including financial data for:

  • Local government units
  • Community colleges
  • State universities
  • Government entities that receive state appropriations

Flagler Schools is committed to providing the community with detailed information about how tax dollars are spent. We have chosen to provide access to our financial documents, which include data required under the Transparency Florida Act. 

Value-Added Model (VAM)

The Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) developed Florida's Value-Added Model (VAM) as a tool to use in measuring the impact schools and teachers have on their students' learning growth.

VIEW Florida VAM

Flagler Schools Statistical Data

Use the link below to view interactive statistical data reports for each of our schools and the district as a whole. When viewing the reports, please select a school using the dropdown menu under "School Name" at the top of the page. 

VIEw statistical data