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Policies & Procedures


Attendance and timeliness are critical. Students should arrive at least five minutes before scheduled rehearsals to help set up chairs and stands and to warm up.

All absences must be telephoned to the Director no later than an hour prior to any scheduled rehearsal or performance (leave a message when necessary or text including child’s name).

Unexpected absences happen, but repeated absences are unfair to the group. Students are allowed no more than two absences during a semester (we have three semesters, each ending with a concert.) Absences must be reported to the Director prior to the absence. Total absences that exceed two classes in a semester will require an evaluation by the Conductor or classroom teacher to determine if the student is making satisfactory progress without impeding the overall progress of the class or the scheduled performance. Excessive absences beyond six classes for the year may result in a student being moved to another skill level group or asked to leave the program. This decision is left to the discretion of the Conductor and Director.


  • Students should arrive at least five minutes prior to rehearsals and at the time designated for performances. Late arrivals and early departures by members are disruptive to rehearsals and unacceptable at performances.
  • You are tardy when you are not seated and ready to play at the beginning of rehearsals and following breaks.
  • Three tardies equal one absence.
  • A student who is late to a performance may not be allowed to participate.
  • You should be picked up promptly at the close of each rehearsal or performance, unless other arrangements have been made with the Director.


  • Students of the Flagler Youth Orchestra are expected to behave respectfully and politely toward one another, the Conductors, the Director, Orchestra Managers and Volunteers at rehearsals, performances, and other orchestra activities.
  • No gum, food or drink is allowed in rehearsal halls, sectional rooms or performance venues. Capped bottles of water, however, are permitted at rehearsals.
  • No alcohol, tobacco, or controlled substance is permitted at any time.
  • Please remember that we are guests at Indian Trails Middle School and at our performance venues. We must treat ITMS staff respectfully and leave the spaces we borrow neater than we found them.
  • Students (or parents) who demonstrate disruptive or disrespectful behavior or fail to comply with any part of these policies may be subject to disciplinary action at the discretion of the Conductor or Director.

Pick Up

All students must be picked up no later than 6:45 pm. Any student who is picked up after 6:45 pm will be assessed an aftercare fee of $5 per 15 minutes late.

Concert Dress

Concert dress is required at all public performances and includes the following:

Young Ladies

  • Black or white blouse: modest, loose-fitting; dressy and in good taste…no spaghetti straps, plunging necklines or see-through fabric
  • Black skirt below knees (no tight and/or slit skirts) or black pants


  • Black one-piece dress: modest, loose-fitting; dressy and in good taste…no slits in skirt, spaghetti straps, plunging necklines or see-through fabric
  • Black dress shoes, flats are preferred
  • Black hose with skirts or black knee-high hose or slack socks with pants
  • Hair accessories (bows, clips, etc.) should be black

Young Men

  • White collared shirt
  • Black dress pants
  • Black dress shoes with black socks (no athletic shoes, loafers, two-toned shoes, boat shoes, etc.)
  • Harmony Chamber Orchestra members (level D): refer to above dress code, but attire should be all black
  • Hair should be groomed away from the face. No perfumes, colognes or fragrances

Withdrawal from Program

Should you decide to withdraw your child from the Program for any reason, please notify the Director.