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Certification Exams

Certification exams are available through computer-based testing. For further information or registration, please visit the Florida Teacher Certification Examinations (FTCE) website to access complete preparation guides.

Test-Out Option

For certain bachelor’s degree-level subjects, earning a passing score on the appropriate Florida Subject Area Examination will qualify as a demonstration of subject specialization under state rule. Once the examination is passed, it is highly recommended that you apply to add the new subject area to your certificate. This can be added at a processing fee of $75.00 per subject. Passing scores are only valid for ten years. If the new area has not been added to your certificate, you will need to retake the exam after ten years have passed. The test-out option is not available for master's degree-level subjects.

FTCE exams are administered via computer. Online registration is required for all exams. Visit Florida Teacher Certification Examinations to register for an exam.

Exam Fees

Exam Fee
General Knowledge Test, First Time Registration (all four subtest) $130.00
General Knowledge Test, Retake (based on one, two, or three subtest)  $32.50–97.50
Professional Education Test, First Time Registration $150.00
Professional Ed Test, Retake $150.00
Subject Area Examination, First Time Registration $150.00
Subject Area Examination, Retake $150.00
Florida Educational Leadership Examination (FELE), First Time Registration $215.00
Florida Educational Leadership Examination (FELE), Retake $225.00

Exam Results

Official test results will not be mailed; it is your responsibility to print a copy when you receive the email notification. You can review Frequently Asked Questions regarding registration, receiving test scores, retaking of exams, etc. on the FTCE website.

Effective July 1, 2015, the GRE (Graduate Record Exam), which is a prerequisite for many master’s programs, is an acceptable way to meet the General Knowledge exam requirement for professional certification eligibility. Scores must be earned on, or after July 1, 2015. Qualifying scores are four out of six for Analytical Writing, 151 or higher in Verbal Reasoning, and 147 or higher in Quantitative Reasoning. The official hard copy score report is required.

All passing test results are forwarded automatically to the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE), however, it is the employees’ responsibility to provide the Flagler Schools Human Resources Department with a copy of your unofficial score report stating "Pass."