Flyer Approval Guidelines
Guidelines for Community/Outside Agencies
Thank you for your interest in applying for flyer distribution within Flagler Schools. Please allow five business days for review and processing of your request. Flyers sent that are incomplete, need additional approvals and/or denied for resubmission may take longer to process. Please read these guidelines carefully, as extensions and errors in your submitted information will delay review.
Flyer Distribution Procedure
Flagler Schools reserves the right to deny requests to distribute information if determined to be inappropriate or inconsistent with the education objectives of the district or with the guidelines set forth in district procedure.
District Procedure
Per Flagler County School Board Policy 904, advertising may not include:
- Advertising that contains profanity or other vulgar or indecent language;
- Advertising that is obscene to minors;
- Advertising that is slanderous or libelous;
- Advertising that invades the rights, health, or welfare of others;
- Advertising that promotes alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, or any other product or service harmful to minors and not permitted to minors by law;
- Advertising that is harassing speech or expression sufficiently severe and pervasive as to create a hostile learning environment for any student;
- Political advertising;
- Advertising that promotes a religion.
Flagler Schools' Policy 904 addresses advertising in schools. Policy 905 addresses distribution of literature and materials to students.
Flagler Schools allows for electronic distribution/posting of flyers on behalf of organizations as a courtesy to the community. Procedure allows for the following types of distribution at school sites:
eflyer (Electronic Flyer) Distribution via Peachjar
Peachjar is an electronic flyer (eflyer) management system which charges a fee for use. Typically, organizations will find it to be much less than the cost to copy and deliver paper flyers to each school. Using the service also diminishes efforts required from school personnel to deliver the flyers and is consistent with the district’s “going green” philosophy.
Using Peachjar to Communicate with Families
- Register for an account on the PeachJar website.
- Upload eflyer for review to Flagler Schools or the specific school(s) to which you want the eflyer distributed. Note: submitted flyers must be in pdf format without exception.
Flagler Schools will only authorize flyers containing the following information:
- Name, date, location (include address) of activity or event.
- Contact information, including phone number/website, etc.
- What to expect (list what is expected, participation from students/families, etc.).
- How long the activity or event will last (give clear details for families to make decisions).
- If applicable, the word “Free” should be stated prominently on flyers.
- If there is a cost, all costs must be clearly stated.
To review your flyer, it must contain the bulleted information listed above or it will be sent back to
the applicant and denied via the Peachjar system.
Disclaimer: Flagler Schools does not endorse or guarantee the accuracy, timeline, service contracted/received
or any monetary collection of any information provided as a result of information obtained from flyers. Flyers
listed on school websites and emailed via Peachjar are provided as a community service and do not imply
endorsement by Flagler Schools.
Posting and Distributing
- Posting: (if approved) eflyer is posted to selected school(s) website.
- Distributing: (if approved) once an eflyer is posted to selected schools it will also begin distributing captured family emails directly to their inbox.
Selecting Schools
Visit the Flagler Schools district website to determine which schools are within your targeted vicinity.
Reminder: All applicants understand when using Peachjar, Flagler Schools will not be held liable for any discrepancies, monetary obligation if not approved and errors due to technical services using the Peachjar eflyer system.
Disclaimer: Flagler Schools does not endorse or guarantee the accuracy, timeline, service contracted/received
or any monetary collection of any information provided as a result of information obtained from flyers. Flyers
listed on school websites and emailed via Peachjar are provided as a community service and do not imply
endorsement by Flagler Schools.