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Resiliency Education

The State Board of Education requires instruction in child trafficking prevention and substance abuse education for students in grades K-12. Students in grades 6-12 are also required to receive five hours of resiliency instruction every year. The State of Florida has provided districts with required Resiliency Education topics that MUST be taught to students in grades 6 - 12. These topics in the area of Civic & Character Education and Life Skills Education build confidence and support mental health to develop and prepare you to become more resilient students.

Materials Preview, 24-25

Thank you for taking the time to review the Required Resiliency Education Instruction. All of the underlined links in blue will take you directly to an overview of the curriculum or to the instructional video. If you would like to explore the EVERFI curriculum in depth please follow the instructions below.

How to Access EverFi Lessons: Click on the link: and enter the following information: 

Username: flaglerparents
Password: ParentDemo123!

If you are having any difficulties logging in please refer to the link below.

Quick Start Guide Link: EVERFI Quick Start Guide

*Students will only be accessing the lessons outlined below. Not all EVERFI curriculum will be utilized.

Flagler Schools 2024 Mental Health Education Overview Video