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Instructional Technology

Flagler Schools' vision is to inspire students to learn through the innovative use of technology. We empower our educators to incorporate technology as a tool to actively engage students. By integrating instructional technology, we create a dynamic learning environment that nurtures creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. Watch the videos from each of our schools to learn how technology can transform the classroom with hands-on learning.

Belle Terre Elementary School

Apple Distinguished School, 2024-2027

Belle Terre opened its doors in 2005 and since its inception, has been a model school for integrating technology into the core of its instruction in every room in our building. ~Principal DeFord, Belle Terre Elementary School

Buddy Taylor Middle School


Apple Distinguished School, 2024-2027


In 2006, I was part of the initial MacBook pilot program as a classroom teacher. I was amazed how technology could be utilized to encourage innovation and creative thinking for both students and teachers. ~Principal Cronk, Buddy Taylor Middle School

Bunnell Elementary School

Apple Distinguished School, 2023-2026

At BES, we pride ourselves in building relationships with students and providing high quality instruction with an emphasis on positive culture and innovation and learning. ~Principal Sanfilippo, Bunnell Elementary School

Flagler Palm Coast High School

Apple Distinguished School, 2023-2026

Each day, our proud FPC Bulldogs are learning about careers and growing in the medical field in Flagler County . Here they're getting hands-on training that will provide them with opportunities to go to college or right into a job in our county.~Principal Bossardet, Flagler Palm Coast High School

Matanzas High School

Apple Distinguished School, 2023-2026

It has been unbelievable to see how the MacBooks and iPads transform education in the classroom and completely unlock and elevate potential. It's so deeply rooted in what Flagler Schools is all about. ~Principal Bozeman, Matanzas High School

Old Kings Elementary School

Apple Distinguished School, 2024-2027

At Old Kings, we understand the importance of preparing students for a future where technology is unlimited. But more than that, we aim to teach our students the value of empathy, resilience, and responsibility. ~ Former Principal Critcher, Old Kings Elementary School

Rymfire Elementary School

Apple Distinguished School, 2024-2027

Our digital one-to-one movement providing iPads for all students and three-to-one for educator provides all of our instructional leaders with MacBook, iPad, and Apple TV access, allowing our teachers help us reach our vision to develop our students academically and socially through successful school experiences. ~Principal Lee, Rymfire Elementary School

Wadsworth Elementary School

Apple Distinguished School, 2023-2026

We want to be able to empower our teachers to use these tools to inspire our students. We are Wadsworth! ~Assistant Principal Tincher, Wadsworth Elementary School

Apple Logo Distinguished School