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Curriculum & Instruction

Flagler Schools strives to provide appropriate instructional programs to meet the needs of all students. Our K–12 curriculum is designed to prepare students for academic success and life after graduation so that each student has the opportunity to reach their fullest potential.

The Curriculum Maps page provides detailed information about the Flagler Schools K–12 curriculum.

A group of high school students with laptops at a table


State Requirements for Graduation

The Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) manages the requirements to earn a high school diploma. Flagler Schools offers several options for students to meet these requirements.

FLDOE Graduation Requirements

Standard Diploma Requirements:

Student Progression Plan

The Student Progression Plan is a comprehensive plan for student progression established by the School Board. The plan defines procedures for the promotion and graduation of Flagler Schools students, in accordance with state and local student progression requirements. The purpose of this plan is to ensure that each student receives an appropriate educational foundation and has the best opportunity to succeed in school.

Accelerated Programs

Accelerated Programs are advanced high school academic programs designed to prepare students for postsecondary study and the workforce. Each high school offers students the opportunity to participate in academically challenging programs, enroll in postsecondary courses, and receive college credit.

Accelerated Programs

Under-aged GED Waiver Procedure

The Under-aged GED Waiver program is designed for an individual who has reached the compulsory school age (16 or 17 years of age) and has formally withdrawn from their last school of attendance. There are two options to seek this waiver.

Under-aged GED Waiver

State-Required Instruction Reporting

The FLDOE requires annual reporting and planning from school districts as specified in 1003.42(2), Florida Statutes. The report lists courses, materials, and methods for instruction of state-required subject matter.

Implementation Plan 2022–23

Implementation Report 2021–22

Instructional Materials

Flagler Schools’ K–12 curriculum is composed of a wide range of textbooks and other instructional materials. Each school year the district adopts a new curriculum in one major subject area according to the state of Florida's instructional materials adoption cycle. The instructional material adoption process includes opportunities for the public to review materials, provide feedback, and submit requests for the reconsideration of adopted materials.

Instructional Materials

Comprehensive Health

The Comprehensive Health Education curriculum includes 14 components of health that are age and developmentally appropriate. All Comprehensive Health instructional materials are available for public review, and parents/guardians have the right to opt their student out of any portion of the curriculum.

Comprehensive Health

Resiliency Education

The State Board of Education requires instruction in child trafficking prevention and substance abuse education for students in grades K-12. Students in grades 6-12 are also required to receive five hours of resiliency instruction every year. The State of Florida has provided districts with required Resiliency Education topics that MUST be taught to students in grades 6 - 12. These topics in the area of Civic & Character Education and Life Skills Education build confidence and support mental health to develop and prepare you to become more resilient students.

Resiliency Education