School Choice Scholarships
Florida provides a variety of school choice options, which include K–12 scholarship programs. These scholarship programs allow families choice among public and private schools, empowering them to discover educational options that work best for their student.
Family Empowerment Scholarship
On March 27, 2023, Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law House Bill (HB) 1, which expands available school choice options for all students in Florida. As of the 2023-24 school year, the bill eliminates financial eligibility restrictions and the current enrollment cap for the Family Empowerment Scholarship Educational Options. HB 1 also increases the annual scholarship cap growth for the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities from one percent to three percent annually to address high demand and wait lists.
With these expansions along with other school choice options, Florida is empowering every family and every child to achieve their educational goals.
FES for Educational Options
This branch of the scholarship eligibility provides additional educational options for all K-12 students, such as attending a participating private school. Families apply and annually renew through one of the approved scholarship funding organizations (SFO), which are responsible for determining and distributing funding. FES EO also offers families of eligible students the option to receive a $750 scholarship to provide transportation to a public school different from the school to which the student was assigned.
FES for Educational Options FAQs
- What is the Family Empowerment Scholarship Educational Options Program (FES EO)?
- What are the eligibility requirements for FES EO?
- What options are available for students under FES EO?
- How many students may participate in FES EO?
- What is the average award amount for FES EO?
- How do parents apply for FES EO?
- Who determines students' eligibility for FES EO?
- What are my responsibilities as a parent?
- Can a child receive an FES EO scholarship and receive their education through a home education program?
- Are sibling(s) of FES UA students eligible for an FES EO scholarship?
- May FES EO students take Florida Virtual School courses?
- Who will administer FES EO funds to school?
- Can FES EO students use scholarship funds to attend a school that does meet the requirements for scholarship participation?
- Will all private schools be required to accept FES EO students?
What is the Family Empowerment Scholarship Educational Options Program (FES EO)?
What are the eligibility requirements for FES EO?
What options are available for students under FES EO?
How many students may participate in FES EO?
What is the average award amount for FES EO?
How do parents apply for FES EO?
Who determines students' eligibility for FES EO?
What are my responsibilities as a parent?
Can a child receive an FES EO scholarship and receive their education through a home education program?
Are sibling(s) of FES UA students eligible for an FES EO scholarship?
May FES EO students take Florida Virtual School courses?
Who will administer FES EO funds to school?
Can FES EO students use scholarship funds to attend a school that does meet the requirements for scholarship participation?
Will all private schools be required to accept FES EO students?
FES for Students With Unique Abilities
This branch of the Family Empowerment Scholarship Program is designed to offer families of students with disabilities, as young as 3 years of age, access to additional education options. Families may choose to enroll their student in another public school, or they may choose to take the opportunity to receive a personal education savings account (ESA) for their student.
With an ESA, instead of having their child attend a public school, parents receive a deposit of public funds into government-authorized savings accounts with restricted, but multiple, uses. An ESA can be used to fund not only items such as private school tuition and fees, but also online learning programs, private tutoring, community college costs, higher education expenses, and other approved customized learning services and materials. Families apply and annually renew for participation in FES UA through one of the approved SFOs, which are responsible for determining eligibility, awarding and distributing funding to eligible student accounts, and approving eligible expenditures.
FAQs: FES for Students With Unique Abilities
- What is the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities (FES UA)?
- What are the eligibility requirements for FES UA?
- What is the definition of a high-risk child?
- Is a student with a 504 plan eligible for FES UA?
- How do parents apply for FES UA?
- Who determines students' eligibility for FES UA (ESA option)?
- What is an education savings account (ESA)?
- What specifically may the ESA funds be used for?
- What is the aard amount for an FES UA student?
- Is there a cap on the amount of funds that may be accumulated in a student's ESA?
- How many students may participate in FES UA?
- Is the phrase "dependent child of a member of the United States Armed Forces" intended to include only active duty members of the Armed Forces (i.e. not Reserve, National Guard, veterans, retirees, etc.)
- Are the sibling(s) of FES UA students eligible for a scholarship?
- Does FES UA provide a public school choice option?
- How long may an FES UA student participate in the program?
- What are my responsibilities as a parent?
- Can a child receive ESA funds under the FES UA program and also attend a public school?
- Can a child receive an FES UA scholarship and receive their education through a home education program?
- Can FES UA students opting for private school enrollment use scholarship funds to attend a school that does not meet the requirements for scholarship participation?
What is the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities (FES UA)?
What are the eligibility requirements for FES UA?
What is the definition of a high-risk child?
Is a student with a 504 plan eligible for FES UA?
How do parents apply for FES UA?
Who determines students' eligibility for FES UA (ESA option)?
What is an education savings account (ESA)?
What specifically may the ESA funds be used for?
What is the aard amount for an FES UA student?
Is there a cap on the amount of funds that may be accumulated in a student's ESA?
How many students may participate in FES UA?
Is the phrase "dependent child of a member of the United States Armed Forces" intended to include only active duty members of the Armed Forces (i.e. not Reserve, National Guard, veterans, retirees, etc.)
Are the sibling(s) of FES UA students eligible for a scholarship?
Does FES UA provide a public school choice option?
How long may an FES UA student participate in the program?
What are my responsibilities as a parent?
Can a child receive ESA funds under the FES UA program and also attend a public school?
Can a child receive an FES UA scholarship and receive their education through a home education program?
Can FES UA students opting for private school enrollment use scholarship funds to attend a school that does not meet the requirements for scholarship participation?
How Do I Apply?
If you are interested in applying for either branch of the Family Empowerment Scholarship Program, please contact one of the two scholarship funding organizations that administers these programs:
A.A.A. Scholarship Foundation- FL, LLC
P.O. Box 15719, Tampa, FL 33684
Phone/Fax: 888-707-2465
Step Up For Students
P.O. Box 54367
Jacksonville, FL 32245-4367
Hope Scholarship
The Hope Scholarship was established to provide public school students who are subjected to an eligible incident the opportunity to transfer to another public school in the district or to request a scholarship to enroll in and attend an eligible school in another district/private school. A student enrolled in a Florida Public School in grades K–12 is eligible for a scholarship under this program if the student reported an eligible incident.
For more information about this scholarship program, please visit the FLDOE website.