Elementary Dress Code
All staff members are required to enforce the dress code. The administration/designee will be the final judge as to whether a student’s clothing meets policy requirements. We rely on the good taste and judgment of the students and the responsibility of the parents to advise their children of the appropriate dress in accordance with Flagler Schools’ Dress Code Policy.
Dress Code: Upper Attire
Garments must cover the entire shoulder and from neckline to waist. Students' midriff shall not be seen at any time. (See General Rules below; 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9)
- Any solid color or patterned shirt.
- An official trademark logo is acceptable.
- No lace or sheer materials, including “cut outs.”
- Any Flagler Schools approved/sponsored shirt, team jersey, or club shirt.
Dress Code: Bottom Attire
Pants, Shorts, Skirts, Skorts, Jeans, and Jumpers
Must be worn securely at the waist. Bottom attire must be no shorter than mid-thigh. No rips or tears in clothing above the mid-thigh. (See General Rules below; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9)
- All solid color or patterned pants, shorts, skirts, skorts, jeans, or jumpers.
- A small official trademark logo is acceptable.
Dress Code: Outer Attire
Outer or Cool Weather Attire
Must be school appropriate. (See General Rules below; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10)
Any solid color or patterned zip-up, button-up or “over the head” sweatshirts or sweaters are acceptable and should be appropriate in size, design and logo.
- If the cold weather attire is removed, unbuttoned or unzipped, the under layer is required to be within the standard dress code.
- No trench coats.
Footwear Dress Code
Footwear that is a safety hazard will not be allowed (ex. footwear with wheels or slippers.) (See General Rule below; 12)
- K–5th grade students must wear flat fully enclosed shoes or athletic shoes (No flip/flops, sandals, slides or Croc style footwear).
- 6th - 12th-grade students may wear all of the above footwear and flip flops, sandals, slides and Croc style footwear.
General Rules
The following general rules apply to dress code:
- All clothing must be the appropriate size for the student; it may not be oversized or undersized.
- The waist of any garment shall be worn so that the waistband is at waist level and not below the waist.
- No garments shall contain insignias or logos related to drugs, alcohol, violence, gangs, weapons, sexually suggestive or offensive topics deemed inappropriate by administration allowed.
- Wearing apparel, which tends to identify association with secret societies or gangs as prohibited in Florida Statutes, is not allowed.
- No sheer or lace fabrics shall be used in top or bottom attire.
- No undergarments are to be seen at any time.
- Schools may alter dress code for special school event days (such as Homecoming Week, Cancer Awareness Day, Red Ribbon Week, etc.) Special school event days will be designated by the school and dates will be released in advance.
- Head coverings (bandanas, sweatbands, hoods, ski masks and du-rags, etc.) will not be allowed inside the building. School appropriate hats/hoods are allowed outside the buildings. (See General Rules; 3, 4, and 5)
- No sunglasses can be worn inside buildings.
- Any jewelry or accessory that presents a safety or health hazard, or causes a major disruption to the educational process is not allowed. (See General Rules; 4 and 5)
- Footwear determined by staff to be unsafe for school/recess/physical education classes may be prohibited by school administration for those activities or classes.
- Tattoos deemed inappropriate by school administration must be covered. (See General Rules; 4 and 5)
- Contact lenses that alter the appearance of the eye (other than to another naturally occurring color) are not allowed.
- Students in grades 6–12 are required to wear their school IDs at all times. Furthermore, the ID should not be altered in any way. Student ID cards issued by the District will include the national or statewide crisis and suicide hotlines and text lines.
- The Superintendent, in consultation with the principal, may waive the school dress code on a case-by-case basis for reasons such as, but not limited to, medical necessity or sincerely held religious belief, documented by a medical physician or religious leader.
- A student wears a uniform of a nationally recognized youth organization, such as the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, on regular meeting days.
- A student wears a costume, special clothing, or dress attire necessary for participation in a school-sponsored or extracurricular activity provided the clothing complies with district policy.
Financial Considerations/Assistance
- Students will not be denied attendance at school or be otherwise penalized for failing to wear clothing that complies with the school dress code if such failure is due to financial hardship. The parent/guardian should notify the principal if assistance is needed.
- The Superintendent shall develop procedures to offer assistance to students who would have or are having difficulty complying with the school dress code due to financial hardships
- The principal or designee has the authority to decide if a student’s clothing complies with Board Policy.
- If the principal determines that a student’s clothing does not comply with Board policy, the parent/guardian may be asked to bring an appropriate change of clothes to school. The student may also receive a disciplinary consequence for violating the school’s dress code policy.
- Any absence resulting from a violation of the Student Dress Code policy will be considered an unexcused absence.
The schools will use a common system of discipline for dress code violations. The student would either have to change or parents would have to bring proper attire.
According to FS 1006.07, clothing and/or accessories that cause a substantial disruption to student learning will be addressed in a manner that is consistent with the district school board policies for similar infractions.
According to FS 1001.43, the School Board has the right to adopt programs and policies to ensure the safety and welfare of individuals, including requiring uniforms. It is important for students and parents/guardians to work with the school in adhering to district dress code.